Sunday 1 December 2013

quiet worries

Approx 5 years ago, my mother found out she had secondary breast cancer. Thankfully after months of chemotherapy and radio therapy she was given the all clear and life could continue, though perhaps with an ounce more thankfulness.

About 3 weeks ago my mother informs me she has found another lump. I'm slightly frustrated as it transpires that she found it in September. She was awaiting her yearly mammogram what was due the same mouth, but the NHS had decided to move her to 18 monthly without actually informing her. Hence the delay in going to the doctors. Following her latest smear, they have also found cancerous cells there.

In the next two days, mum is having appointments for both. I'm nervous of the outcome. I'm not mentioning this to mum of course. Mum and I have a difficult relationship. I love her as she's my mum but she has a tenancy to be a bit of a drama queen and I don't have a lot of patience with that. Regardless, in my logical, scientific brain I'm adding up the symptoms and assuming, rightly or wrongly, that things could clearly go very badly over the next few days. I have everything crossed that things go well and that my quiet worries are unfounded. Here goes everything.

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